Welcome to
A Yoga Collective

Whether you’re here to find out more about the amazing art and discipline of yoga, to know more about our wonderful team of dedicated and compassionate teachers, or to book your next yoga class; we’re here for you! We’re grateful for what we have to offer and confident you will find benefit from sharing your practice with us.

Benefits of Yoga with us

Deep Authentic Yoga; the science of living life happier, more grateful and longer.

Lowers stress
Improves focus
Relieves Anxiety
Strengthenes bones
Healthier weight

Classes we teach

We offer a wide variety of classes at different spots in Amsterdam. This summer we teach outdoor classes @ Vondelpark & Sarphatipark.

Power Hatha
This class is structured just as traditional Hatha classes where we practice alignment and strength while promoting flexibility and calm to the body and mind.
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga poses are designed to bend and heal your connective tissue and are experienced as deep stretches as they increase your range of motion and clear your energetic pathways.
Flow & Breathwork
Breathwork pranayama is one of the 5 pillars of yoga according to Swami Sivananda and crucial in undergoing a full yoga-class experience. This is why these yoga classes start with just this.
Gentle Flow & Yoga Nidra
This is a calming stress-relieving class to stretch and gently and gradually strengthen the body. Emphasis is on building awareness of the breath and body.
Restorative Yoga
This is a gentle class in which we use props such as blocks, bolsters, blankets, and straps. The props are there to support the body so you’re able to relax fully in the poses.
Traditional Hatha
This class is taught in the traditional way it has been practiced for over 120 years in the motherland India when the great spiritual leader and medical practitioner Swami Sivanda unified the various millennia-old surviving yoga traditions.
Kids Yoga
Did you know that kids who already have practiced with us simply love it? They love getting stronger, more flexible and more balanced, feeling free, and building confidence.
Hatha Yoga & Meditation
This class is the most traditional form of yoga taught in our studio. Postures are practiced to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body and mind.

Join our yoga classes

Create more peace for yourself, schedule your outdoor clas(ses) beforehand.

Our story

Amsterdam Yoga Collective is an originally Hatha-based yoga collective founded in 2020 by Seth Kamphuijs and Sharleen Westhout.
Our intention is to serve different communities throughout the city, and  – as well as the world at large – online. We aim to help our students gain strength, balance and flexibility and to find peace within their mind and body; and in turn spread this light outward. With a team of amazing teachers, our deep commitment is to meet the individual needs of our students. Whether the groups we teach are large or small – and in teaching individually – our mission is to make everyone feel safe enough to leave their comfort zone and to trust themselves to go deep within.


Vondelpark yoga

Welcome to A Yoga Collective teaching at different spots throughout Amsterdam. This summer we offer outdoor yoga classes in the Vondelpark and Sarphatipark.


Seth en Sharleen boatpose yoga

A Yoga Collective is a hatha-based yoga collective in Amsterdam founded in 2020 by Seth Kamphuijs and Sharleen Westhout.

What our yogi’s say

Real people with real stories

Seth’s classes are structured, great in breathing techniques, postures and meditation. Because of this, awareness, rejuvenation and relaxation helps me in my daily life!
AYC testimonial


Whether you are a rookie or a seasoned yogi, you will benefit a lot from Seth’s yoga classes. What really makes the difference in his approach is the support towards every individual in class. This enabled me to book much progress in just a few weeks! Breathing exercises are demonstrated very clearly and brings additional subjects and tips on health and mindfulness.
Testimonial Marinke


It doesn’t matter whether the weather is good or bad, I just can’t miss Seth’s yoga classes. They make me happy! I strongly recommend it. Seth brings the wisdom and quality of the traditional yoga practice to a contemporary new dimension, sharing with us his love for life and yoga.
testimonial AYC


Your yoga lessons restores and resets body and mind. I feel more healthy and energetic after the lesson. Thank you, Namasté.
Testimonial AYC


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